Today’s post is a collection of two videos that really put us ‘in the mood’ to get in the workshop and plan out a new project. There’s something hypnotic about these videos that really captures the flow of what it feels like to work on the various components of a leather-working piece. Watching the blade of a knife slide down a hide or hearing the snip of scissors on a spool of thread gets us every time.
The first video is from ESDE, a high-end German bag-maker and the second is from Tanner Goods, a young company based out of Portland that makes a wide variety of leather-goods, ceramics and glassware.
Loved the background music! Here in my neck o’ the woods, I put on a bit of contemporary country instrumental when I need a “focus” background for fine stitching or coloring edges. It’s a bit slower, geared to my slower pace as a small sized leathercraft shop, but no lyrics to distract my attention and it puts my dog to sleep in quick time! [And keeps him from trying to sing along with Garth or Willie …]
I can relate to that! Listening to some instrumental music while working on a piece definitely keeps your mind focused and your spirits high. Thanks for chiming in!